[Official] PornBoxIt DDL | Webmaster Add Your Site Today!

Need your appz,games,musik ect so guys plz signup

PornBoxIt DDL

Sitename: PornBoxIt DDL
Site URI: http://PornBoxIt.com
Born: 1rd February 2011
Email: pbi{at}PornBoxIt{dot}com
Submit URI: http://PornBoxIt.com/submit.php
http://warezlinkers.com/auto/index.html PornBoxIt are liste on Autosubmitter site
Rardownload wil be add soon

Me owner of PornBoxIt will try to answer all questions in a prompt and professional manner at all times.This thread will act as a secondary medium for members and webmasters to contact the PornBoxIt Staff. The primary medium being email. Some of the topics this thread will address are:

Site listing
Site Feedback
Link Exchanges
Feature Requests
Among other discussions...


There is 2 application to join the whitelist at this point.
Simply start Reply HERE or send a PM whit you site Info

1ite Name
2ite URL

You can go here on PornBoxIt http://pornboxit.com/contactus.php send a PM whit you site Info

1ite Name
2ite URL
4ite Admin Pass

If you are blacklisted for whatever reason, please read the explanation given next to your site carefully. Once the issue has been fixed, you can either contact us by email or reply to this thread.

Site Ratings

Currently, PornBoxIt utilizes a rating system of three (4) levels which we refer to as stars. Level 1 or a rating of 1 star is the lowest rank a site can receive other than being banned of course. Similarly, at this time a rating of 4 stars is the highest a site can achieve at this time. The staff have decided to increase our rating system when the site gains more exposure and also when our submitter's list grows in size.

On the pages of PornBoxIt, all downloads are randomized per site rating, i.e. all 1 star site downloads are ramdomized, then all 2 star site downloads are randomized and finally all 3 star site downloads are randomized. This is done to give each site a fair amount of exposure on our pages.

All sites who submit for the first time are given a rating of 1 star. To be re-rated to 2 stars, a visible linkback to PornBoxIt.Com must be prominently displayed on your website (no hidden or nofollow links allowed) AND you must be submitting regularly for 30 days. Sites cannot skip ratings, meaning that your site rating can only be increased or decreased by 1 star at any given time. To obtain a rating of 3 stars, a website should be submitting to PornBoxIt for 2 months as a 2* site, been submitting regularly and have no prior bans, it is also up to the staff member doing the re-rates. Site design, layout and navigation also play a role in determining your site's rating.

New Update: To obtain a rank of 2* now, you MUST have been submitting for 30 days minimum!

When the higher ranks are released and activated, this portion will be amended. Keep in mind, that these guidelines can be amended at any given time.


We use the general best practices put forth by Katz Downloads, but we do allow for the regular mishap/incorrect submission that webmasters tend to do. Each site is allowed to submit a maximum of 80 download links per day, this may be increased in the future.

We also have our own Firefox Submissions Tool ON THE WAY VERY SOON

Install it to make the submission process much easier.


As said earlier in the thread, Linkbacks are currently mandatory to be able to submit to PornBoxIt.Com, however, if you would like to Your Post Liste, a visible linkback is required and you MUST submit to PornBoxIt for 30days. If you would like to add a link to PornBoxIt Downloads on your site, visit our Link page. ON THE WAY

<a href="http://pornboxit.com/" title="Free Young 15 20 Tube vidi RS HF SF DP FS"><b>PornBoxIt DDL</a></b></span><br />



User Features

We are currently completing a few modifications to the site then a proper list of features available will be added to the thread.

Webmaster Features

We are also currently working on Webmasters Area and will inform you that it work completed.
Webmasters will PM If thay ask for it

This thread will be updated as we add more features, guidelines and improvements. To contact us, you can reply in this thread, PM staff PBI on this forum as well as use our contact page on PornBoxIt.com Contact

Thanks for reading. Any suggestions, comments and feedback for the site? Post below and please try to keep it civilized.

PornBoxIt Staff

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Added after 7 Days 1:


WareZ ppl i need your appz games ect you get unike download
PBI NetWork Reviewed by PBI NetWork on . Official PornBoxIt DDL | Webmaster Add Your Site Today! PornBoxIt DDL | Webmaster Add Your Site Today! PornBoxit Need your appz,games,musik ect so guys plz signup PornBoxIt DDL Sitename: PornBoxIt DDL Site URI: http://PornBoxIt.com Born: 1rd February 2011 Rating: 5