Well, no need to go into great detail as to what this Mod does. [IMG]http://*********.net/public/style_em...ault/laugh.gif[/IMG]
May I take this opportunity to thank Pseudonym the original Authur of the Mod for the original idea

With this version you can set the amount of Topics/Posts that an individual user can Make/Reply to within a given time frame, Eg, user can submit 4 new topics/posts/replies in 3 hours or 20 posts in 24 hours, of course every users has a different post pattern & this Mod can be adjusted @ any time untill the correct setting is found.

When a user has reached the limit pressing the New Topic/Post Reply buttons will bring up a warning message to the user, like so. http://prntscr.com/1psbx this appears before filling in the form.

When the user has reached their limit for posting, does not stop them from editing or deleting their posts, unless configured otherwise within the Acp permissions, it just stops them posting more content.

The Quick Reply Button is removed for that user when the post restriction is in play.
Location of settings:- Log into the Admin Control Panel, goto General/Manage Users/(Find your Member)Top right [Select form] Prefrences & alter as required. Simple!
So without further a do here it is!!
AutoMod Ready Download:
zac2613 Reviewed by zac2613 on . [BETA] Limit Posts Per Hour/Day MKII Well, no need to go into great detail as to what this Mod does. http://*********.net/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif May I take this opportunity to thank Pseudonym the original Authur of the Mod for the original idea http://www.phpbb.com...?f=70&t=1903695 With this version you can set the amount of Topics/Posts that an individual user can Make/Reply to within a given time frame, Eg, user can submit 4 new topics/posts/replies in 3 hours or 20 posts in 24 hours, of course Rating: 5