This is the best convertion affiliate for the people who own a Warez site. We already got a few sites promiting us and they are making excellent money. If you can't be bothered to read trough the post signup here on the link below to start promiting us:

All the info about how to link to us and where to track sales are giving after you have signed up.

You earn 19$ , 23$ or 30$ per sale and you're paid by PAYPAL!

Earn The Highest Commissions Possible!
ShareFlux is giving you as a webmasters a chance to make some BIG money. If you are interested, and you'd have to be crazy to turn this offer down, here's a chance to make some real easy money.

You will earn an approximate 80% commission on every sale you refer!! (More than any other affiliate program!) Your referrals are tracked and you will be credited whether a sale takes place now or any time in the future (however long that may be!).
Customize The Links!
You can use our technology to specify your affiliate link to specific products and files!
By putting in a search query, and giving users access to what they want directly, your conversion rates will go through the roof!! (No jokes, this has been tested by webmasters).

Who pays me?
We do! We now manage all payments and are currently paying direct to PayPal and are starting to expand to various payment methods. (For affiliates who wish to be paid differently, contact us and we will tell you when that method is possible)
How do I get paid?
As said above, direct PayPal payment - and you can request payment ANY time you want (Direct to our admins, by email and also through the webmasters panel). We are working on expanding to other payment methods though such as ePassporte and Wire transfer as well as many more.
How do I join?
To start making money with ShareFlux, you must first be a member of our affiliate system. To sign up for an account, Click Here. We will track all affiliate sales for you and you can check your sales progress 24/7 in the webmasters panel!

For any question feel free to PM me or reply in this topic.
Whoo Reviewed by Whoo on . Shareflux - The Highest Converting Download Site On The Net! This is the best convertion affiliate for the people who own a Warez site. We already got a few sites promiting us and they are making excellent money. If you can't be bothered to read trough the post signup here on the link below to start promiting us: All the info about how to link to us and where to track sales are giving after you have signed up. You earn 19$ , 23$ or 30$ per sale and you're paid by PAYPAL! Rating: 5