iUrls.in URL Shortening Service

You can now earn cash for your shortened links! Stop wasting your time and start collecting money each time someone clicks on a link which you have created. It's fast and easy so what are you waiting for?

How does iUrls.in Work?

iUrls.in is a URL shortener that allows our members to not only shrink down long URLS and create short links, but we also provide our members with a way to earn cash for those shortened links. To start earning money now for those links all you need to do is register for an account, create your shortened links and then share those with the world. Every time someone clicks on your links you will be rewarded and earn cold hard cash for your work. It is as simple as that!

Looking to Advertise Your Website?

Are you looking for high quality traffic to help promote your website? Well look no further as we have some of the best rates you will find. Click here to view our advertiser rates.

Why should You Register for an Account on iUrls.in?

If you want to edit or delete your short URLs and earn money each time someone clicks on a URL that you created, you will need to register (or login if you already registered). By registering you will be able to earn up to $4.00 per every 1,000 clicks on your shortened URLS. Please check out the publisher rates to see exact payout for each country.

Refer users and get a whopping 20% commission!

Payment Method:

Easy Links, Low $5.00 minimum payout.
Automatic weekly payments(on Fridays).
We make payments to Paypal Only.

Webmoney and Alertpay(coming soon!)

Visit iUrls.in and start making money today!

Support Email: support@iurls.in
shyamalborsaikia Reviewed by shyamalborsaikia on . iUrls.in - Earn up to $4 / 1,000 Visits! All countries paid! (Official Thread) iUrls.in URL Shortening Service You can now earn cash for your shortened links! Stop wasting your time and start collecting money each time someone clicks on a link which you have created. It's fast and easy so what are you waiting for? How does iUrls.in Work? iUrls.in is a URL shortener that allows our members to not only shrink down long URLS and create short links, but we also provide our members with a way to earn cash for those shortened links. To start earning money now for Rating: 5