Hi every one, I am Tung. My blog is http://techsharing.net
I want to redesign my blog based on the old child theme. I also need a new logo . So I made this contest for every designers at KWWH Forum.
- Redesign my blog based on the old child theme. Visit my blog here: http://techsharing.net.
- Some themes that i like:
+ http://incomediary.com/
- I need a PSD,HTML and integrate new theme to Genesis Framework
- New logo must have text and image. Here is the text:
Helping You Build A Successful Blog
- Genesis Framework $59.95
- GenesisAff theme - http://thesisgenesis.com/themes/genesis-affiliates/ - $25
- Qualia Child Theme http://templatica.net/themes/qualia-thesis-child-theme/ - $40
- Easy WP Seo Plugin - $37
- $20 to your Paypal
Total: $162
I have developer version with all prizes so don't worry about copyright. I have permission to give them to the winner.
Note: I only take one winner.
pumama Reviewed by pumama on . [Contest $162 prizes] Help me to redesign my blog and make a new logo Hi every one, I am Tung. My blog is http://techsharing.net I want to redesign my blog based on the old child theme. I also need a new logo . So I made this contest for every designers at KWWH Forum. Required: - Redesign my blog based on the old child theme. Visit my blog here: http://techsharing.net. - Some themes that i like: +http://www.viperchill.com/ + http://incomediary.com/ +http://www.smartpassiveincome.com/ - I need a PSD,HTML and integrate new theme to Genesis Framework - New Rating: 5