
Coded something yesterday. Basically it fetches the tweets of someone and saves them in a temporary file which is updated every hour. (You can modify this). It's a quick code mock-up and I wouldn't put it on a production website before testing it.

PHP Code: 
$limit 5;
$feed 'http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline.rss?screen_name='.$username.'&count='.$limit;

$tweets file_get_contents($feed);
$tweet explode("<item>"$tweets);
$tcount count($tweet) - 1;

for (
$i 1$i <= $tcount$i++) {
$find = array('–'$username);
$replace = array('-''');
$endtweet explode("</item>"$tweet[$i]);
$title explode("<title>"$endtweet[0]);
$content explode("</title>"$title[1]);
$tweetItem str_replace($find$replace$content[0]);
$tweetItem preg_replace('#(http:\/\/([a-zA-Z0-9\.\/]+))#','<a rel="nofollow" href="$1">$1</a>',$tweetItem);

$mytweets[] = $tweetItem;

$tweetout '<ul>';
while (list(, 
$v) = each($mytweets)) {
$tweetout .= "<li>$v</li>";
$tweetout .= '</ul>';

$twitterTempFile 'twitterfeed.temp';

$lastModified filemtime($twitterTempFile);

if (
$lastModified strtotime("-1 hour")){
$fh fopen($twitterTempFile'w+') or die('Unable to open file');
$tweetout file_get_contents($twitterTempFile);

Make sure you have a file called twitterfeed.temp in the same directory which is writable (chmod 777). I had to use file_get_contents() because here to make it easy but in the original version I had a curl function there.

Remember, this is just something I put together in a few minutes, it's not written very good (I code better usually lol even if I say so myself).

Oh well, enjoy I guess

+ rep is appreciated if you can use this code
Whoo Reviewed by Whoo on . [PHP] Twitter Feed Reader + Caching Hey, Coded something yesterday. Basically it fetches the tweets of someone and saves them in a temporary file which is updated every hour. (You can modify this). It's a quick code mock-up and I wouldn't put it on a production website before testing it. <?php $username = 'TwitterUserNameHere'; $limit = 5; $feed = 'http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline.rss?screen_name='.$username.'&count='.$limit; Rating: 5