Dear all webmasters,

Are you having an issue with your files getting deleted by filehosts or others? Well worry not now, you can go to and check out the cool features of it.

This is a custom made website:

You can add a Captcha on your link, put it in a folder, or also password protect it.

This was using this system no filehost will be able to know your link unless the people manually check which is not possible all the time.

So you know where to go when you need to put the links shorter


Sponge Bob Reviewed by Sponge Bob on . Short URL Maker, with Super Features Dear all webmasters, Are you having an issue with your files getting deleted by filehosts or others? Well worry not now, you can go to and check out the cool features of it. This is a custom made website: You can add a Captcha on your link, put it in a folder, or also password protect it. Rating: 5