
If you have a brand or a business or project that caters to the adult community you can definitely benefit and stand out from the crowd with a .XXX domain name.

I am offering .XXX tld domain registration pre-orders.

What constitutes a pre-order and why it's really not a pre-order.

The period between now and Dec 5th. registrars are allowed to begin taking orders for .XXX domain names. On December 6th. Registrars will immediately try to register these domains.

If the domain is available, you own it.

If more than 1 person is trying to register the same domain, it goes to a bid. You can choose to not bid and receive a refund, or you can try and bid to win.

If the domain name is unavailable, you will receive a refund.

The price for the .XXX tld is $95 / year.

If you would like a resolving domain, you need to provide proof you are part of the sponsored community. This process is free but must be started ASAP to guarantee it is completed before Dec. 6th. It can be completed after Dec. 6th however. Your domain will not resolve until you provide an ICM PIN.

Who is part of the "sponsored community?"

Adult webmasters, performers, studios, store owners, club operators, lawyers, agents, advisors, accountants, affiliates, adult domainers, hosting services, etc.

To be qualified for the sponsored community:

Submit a domain registration.
You will be sent an e-mail with a validation link.
Fill out the ICM Membership application.

You must provide your real and current phone number and address and date of birth (age verification)

ICM will call you and provide you with a PIN number.

Provide that PIN number to me in order for your domain to resolve.

Contact me for more information. I will be handling all domain registrations personally and manually.

Payment will be accepted through my hosting company, Fifty7 Hosting. We accept paypal, alertpay, google checkout and credit card.

If you have any questions, feel free to post in this thread. PM me if you'd like to register a domain. Do not post the name you'd like to register in this thread (duh)

Last but not least, and most importantly...

.XXX TLD's cannot be used for any type of copyright infringement. There is strict enforcement and you are required to provide your REAL contact information. If I even suspect you may use it for this purpose, I will NOT register the domain for you.

Thank you.
void07 Reviewed by void07 on . .XXX Domain Registration, Pre-General Availability until Dec 5th. Hello! If you have a brand or a business or project that caters to the adult community you can definitely benefit and stand out from the crowd with a .XXX domain name. I am offering .XXX tld domain registration pre-orders. What constitutes a pre-order and why it's really not a pre-order. The period between now and Dec 5th. registrars are allowed to begin taking orders for .XXX domain names. On December 6th. Registrars will immediately try to register these domains. Rating: 5