Make Money with Userporn

You can share and monetize your video content. We provide a powerful and reliable online video hosting service.

Our payout rates do not carry any levels.

  • Get paid up to US$30/10,000 video views ? Highest Payout
  • Earn 25% on our referral program ? the Highest in the market
  • You are paid for ALL countries!
  • One payout tier for ALL traffic

  • We pay up to US$30 per 10,000 video views dependent on video length.
  • We count views from ALL countries!
  • We pay you 25% of your referrals? earnings; this is the highest payout you will find for any video hosting service.
  • Easy, quick and painless uploads via FTP and remote upload.

Start making money with few simple steps:

  • 1Register an account. It?s free, fast and easy!
  • 2Upload a video to Userporn and get the video link.
  • 3Post your video or video link to your website, forum and/or blog.
  • 4For every time someone views your video, you can earn up to US$30 per 10,000 video views.

Q & A
  • Q: How to define as one qualified view? A:When a user (unique IP) views the video, we count one qualified view for that unique IP in every 24 hours.
  • Q: If an anonymous user views five of my videos. What is the total view I will get? A:We will count it for 1 view. For each user (unique IP), we will count 1 view in 24 hours. In this case, an anonymous user views five videos from your account in 24 hours; we will count it for one qualified view.
  • Q: Do I need to be a premium member to get paid? A: No, you will still be paid even if you are a free member. But you will need to join our affiliate program before start earning money. Simply enter your payment account info via Earnings page.

  • Q: How can I earn money with my website? A: You can earn 5% commission of all premium accounts sold through your site. For every referrer that comes from your site and buys a premium account you will receive 5% of the account?s price. Add your site to My Sites now!
  • Q: Why does the statistics in My Sites not match with Earnings? A: Please notice that the statistics in Earnings is a sum of your View Count Earnings and Referral Earnings. The statistics in My Sites is the 5% commission you earned from selling premium accounts via your site and it will be held for 30 days before the premium payment is settled.
  • Q: Why do you charge back in My Sites statistics? A: If the referrer disputes the payment within 30 days since he purchased the premium account, we will charge back that 5% commission on the purchase day. For example, if a referrer purchased a premium account ($9.99) via your site on 1st June, and he disputed the payment on 5th June, we will charge back ($0.4995) from you on 1st June instead of 5th June.
jessepure Reviewed by jessepure on . Userporn - Make Up to $30 - Upload Adult Videos and Make $$$ Make Money with Userporn You can share and monetize your video content. We provide a powerful and reliable online video hosting service. Rating: 5