Selling off this small proxy network that I've been running for a while. Just last month I went in and switched two of these sites around from PHProxy to Glype. Last month I also added Adversal to all proxy sites which brought in a little extra revenue as well..

The Domains PR2 (GoDaddy) PR2 (GoDaddy) PR0 (DynaDot)

The first two domains are the oldest proxy sites. is actually the newest site created less than a month ago. HZB has been registered since 2006 and has been a developed proxy site for a little over a year now. The domain is an domain which gives it a little extra value to. BypassFacebook has been registered since 09/2011..

The Traffic
BypassFacebook- Gets a good amount of traffic from search engines and proxy lists. I've never paid for any promotion just done link exchanges and lots of proxy list submissions. Currently ranked #5 in google for "bypass facebook"..Here are some quick screenshots: Traffic 1 | Traffic 2 | Traffic 3

HZB- This site also gets most of its traffic from search engines and proxy lists. Currently on page 2 in google for "bypass youtube" and I've never paid for any promotion on here, just link exchanges and proxy list submissions. Here are some quick screenshots: Traffic 1 | Traffic 2 | Traffic 3

URLz- This is the newest proxy site. I've done a few proxy list submissions but no link exchanges or anything with it yet. This one could probably use the most work out of the three sites because it's brand new and could really use some more backlinks.. Here are some quick screenshots: Traffic 1 | Traffic 2 | Traffic 3

The Revenue
The main source of income on all three proxy sites is adsense on the index page. Last month I went in and added a Bidvertiser banner to proxified pages as well as Adversal interstitial and popunder ads..Here are some revenue screenshots: June Adsense | June Adversal

BIN for all 3 sites: $80

Not really an auction deal..more of just a fixed price. But here are individual prices for each:
bypassfacebook: $40
HZB: $30
URLz: $15

or as stated above..$80 for all 3
fpforum Reviewed by fpforum on . Small Proxy Network For Sale ~ 3 Sites Selling off this small proxy network that I've been running for a while. Just last month I went in and switched two of these sites around from PHProxy to Glype. Last month I also added Adversal to all proxy sites which brought in a little extra revenue as well.. The Domains PR2 (GoDaddy) PR2 (GoDaddy) PR0 (DynaDot) The first two domains are the oldest proxy sites. is actually the newest site created less than a month ago. HZB has been Rating: 5